Hi I'm CeLee, and Dress Your Nest is your destination for simple and straight-forward, affordable modern design advice. My mission is to show everyone how to Design Within Reach within reach. I'll show you how high class design doesn't always come with a steep price. Peruse around and let's tap into your inner design diva!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Visualization Aid

Whether you are starting with a blank slate or have decided to redecorate an existing one, it always helps to visualize your pieces in the new space. Instead of moving around your furniture from one room to another, you can use this measuring tape to outline the exact dimensions. This can be extremely helpful with large items such as sofas which, more often than not, appear much smaller in your mind's eye. For only $8 a roll for 50 yards, this visualization exercise is worth a try!

1 comment:

k8theriver said...

so convenient.