Hi I'm CeLee, and Dress Your Nest is your destination for simple and straight-forward, affordable modern design advice. My mission is to show everyone how to Design Within Reach within reach. I'll show you how high class design doesn't always come with a steep price. Peruse around and let's tap into your inner design diva!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

DIY Project: Reupholstering Dining Chairs - Part 1 of 2

I was really happy to see on the cover of Metropolitan Home the headline, "The Mix is In". This theme goes hand-in-hand with my latest project of refinishing & reupholstering old dining room chairs. I am planning to replace my existing chairs with two mis-matched sets that will share the same uniform color & fabric. Having a hard time visualizing... come along!

A couple weeks ago, I found these on Craigslist for $20. As you can see, they were in pretty desperate shape, but I really liked their Chippendale-esque styling and was quite excited by the possibility of dabbling in upholstering!

Like my previous project, I had to sand away the original finish. Then, I applied primer onto the sanded surface. One mistake that I made was not tinting the primer to my final color choice. I had to apply 2 heavy coats of paint in order to obtain the desired color. Now, I'm off to the fabric store to pick the perfect pattern.

1 comment:

** Terramia ** said...

So excited for you... the end result will be so worth it! Can't wait to see the final product... (: