Hi I'm CeLee, and Dress Your Nest is your destination for simple and straight-forward, affordable modern design advice. My mission is to show everyone how to Design Within Reach within reach. I'll show you how high class design doesn't always come with a steep price. Peruse around and let's tap into your inner design diva!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Balanced Juxtaposition

One recommendation that I have for novice DIY decorators is don't worry about being matchy-match. You don't have to buy the whole set or complete line. Most of the time, contrived juxtaposition results in balance. In my breakfast area, I blended two sets of chairs (purchased at DWR's sample sales) to create an intimate breakfast area.

Also, in a later post I mention how I love the Saarinen. I caved and just got its close cousin. I love Ikea's Docksta. It suits my need for now.

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