Hi I'm CeLee, and Dress Your Nest is your destination for simple and straight-forward, affordable modern design advice. My mission is to show everyone how to Design Within Reach within reach. I'll show you how high class design doesn't always come with a steep price. Peruse around and let's tap into your inner design diva!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sorting Mail

One of my husband's daily responsibilities is making a trip out to the mailbox. He's great at getting the mail but it usually ends up being my job to sort and open it all up. Alas, I've found his perfect helper...teehee!


** Terramia ** said...

How can one define good/ bad mail? It seems all I get these days is bad stuff.... bills, bills, and more bills! Ugh... tis the season I guess! Cool idea...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and how many TREES have to die so lame companies can barrage us with useless junk mail that won't be opened, anyway?

jessica said...

cute idea.

Shel/Nate/Anipals said...

LOL! Love it!